About Us

The Real Myanmar – A unique way to explore a unique country

Most of all The Real Myanmar feels obliged in the country of Myanmar / Burma and its people. We are trying to promote sustainable tourism. May this kind of tourism will benefit mostly for private companies and young companies.
Posts, stories and comments on this page are mainly to give objective information to interested guests about travel in Myanmar / Burma. Because our goal is clearly: to provide you an unforgettable and safe journey in one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia.
The company, based in Yangon is approved by the government officially for the implementation and organization of travel and package tours (including trips with car and own driver) inside Burma under the registration number FC100 (2015-2016).



With Yu Yu Win a highly experienced travel agency manager is responsible for the complete travel arrangements and expansion of The Real Myanmar. Mrs. Win, who studied in Sittwe (Bachelor) and also contributes diplomas in tourism and the economy, then worked over 20 years for a leading tour operators in Burma. With the opening of the country, Mrs. Win ruled in 2015 for the chance of her own career. Today, she and her team have an excellent network and relations with all tourism providers such as airlines, hotels, cruises and suppliers of balloon flights. Regularly Yu Yu Win travels all over the country, testing new hotel and seeing touristic changes in the main destination places of Burmese tourism. Yu Yu is "the heart and soul" of The Real Myanmar. She is married to Kyaw Thein Tun. The couple lives in Yangon and has two sons.


Since April 2014 The Real Myanmar is part of GHPs Management Co. Ltd. This young company – also purely private owned – was founded by Kyaw Thein Tun."James", as business partners and the people call him in Yangon, spent about two decades on board cruises lines (as the german based “MeinSchiff” by TUI Group) and held various positions in Hotel operations, human resources development and management. Since his bachelor degree, B.Sc (math) and joined CTH diploma programe, he was always looking into the opportunity to realize his dream in Myanmar. As Executive Director of Hotel and tourism Project Development for GHPs management, James mainly focuses on new projects, development and hotel performance matters with extensive experience and a strong national reputation. James has introduced a very first B&B project in Yangon 2012,. He is experienced in hotel development, renovation, feasibility, destination analysis and is known as a creative innovator and team builder. Currently Kyaw Thein Tun is responsible for the development of one the largest construction projects in Yangon, on the banks of the Yangon River. In 2016 he opened The Yangon Heritage Hotel, right in the centre of the Colonial Quarter (www.hotelyangonheritage.com)

Peter Hinze

The Real Myanmar was established in 2013 by the German journalist Peter Hinze. His idea at that time: a company without political and economic influence of higher levels of politics and society. Until today, this idea is difficult to achieve in Burma, but even more so The Real Myanmar still feels connected to the people of the country in a special way. For him, tourism means also helping people and society. His first trip to Burma was in 1994. I those days he met Aung San Suu Kyi (who was under house arrest in Yangon) for an interview. In the meantime, the former editor and co-founder of the German news magazine FOCUS visited the country frequently. With his Thai wife the 59 year old author lives in Munich, where the couple also owns SAI SPA Muenchen, a traditional asian Massage (www.sai-spa.de). Peter Hinze is running ultramarathons worldwide (eg he ran at the premiere of "The Bagan Temple Marathon" in 2013). Hinweis: Wenn Sie Ihre Anfragen lieber in deutscher Sprache schreiben möchten oder wenn Sie Fragen zum Reisen in Burma haben, dann schicken Sie mir gern ein Mail. Sie erreichen mich unter hinze@therealmyanmar.com.


Ms. Radanar studied at University for a Degree in English in Yangon, Myanmar and Advance Diploma in Business Management (Association of Business Executive, UK) before working for hotel industry for a time. Then, she joined The Real Myanmar as Sales and Reservation Executive. She’s now responsible for inbound clients from The Europe market for The Real Myanmar. As a young and being active, she is eager to discovering new, exciting product and creating a culture of excellence to offer clients. She has been making travel arrangements for clients with her experience, abilities and local knowledge to meet guest satisfaction.
Locate us on map
No.184,Sule Pagoda Road (next to Police Station)
Kyauktadar Township
Yangon Myanmar / Burma
(+95)1398263, (+95)9250311652, (+95)9799113436